Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas Cap

Christmas '07 was a nice one... Derek, his parents, and I had been practicing for months with the San Jose Church of Christ (a capella) Chorus, and we were finally able to perform. As an expectant mom, the song, "Jesus Loves You, Little One," a new arrangement of the children's classic "Jesus Loves Me," made me misty. We appreciated the opportunity to participate even though we don't attend their church. It was a neat, family bonding experience.

The opportunity to see my family was great, but brief. Excitement was in the air, knowing next year we would have a tot in tow. The best part was seeing them all, but I must give honorable mention to Mom's delicious chocolate-covered cherries. They're unlike anything you find in the store.

Both Derek's family and mine were able to hear Baby Thompson's heartbeat, thanks to a rental doppler. I highly recommend it. And one of the best surprises was being able to feel the baby punching and kicking, rather than the obscure, infrequent flutters. Hope your's was as merry!

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