Monday, April 28, 2008

Nursery & Contest

For inquiring minds, here's what we've been working on. There are a few finishing touches I'd like to add, but we'll see what time allows. Derek's mom made some great Scottie stencils, so I could paint these drawer knobs to coordinate. Derek spent Saturday night assembling a glider and ottoman, which are in the living room. I anticipate some late night hours spent there. I'm getting our bags packed (that's right, the experts say more than one) and washing the baby's early clothes. We're in countdown mode now!

CONTEST: Ok, so some of you are going crazy about not knowing the name, and some of you are probably over it. But, it's time to make the wait worth someone's while. Send me an email with your best 5 guesses. If you guess correctly, Baby Thompson will have a suprise for you upon his arrival. You'll see a hint in this post, but things are not always what they seem...


lisa said...

I love the decor! So fun and creative - so Jenny Jones Thompson! The scotty dogs are fantastic. Now about this little fella's name. Is the "P" actually a lower case "d" just hung upside down to confuse us? Or is "P" the first letter of his middle name which will be part of a monogram? Hmmm, tricky tricky. It took me 8 1/2 months to come up with a name for our baby, I'm too indecisive to enter this contest - there isn't enough time left for my submissions!

Tina Garcia said...

Mema just told me about your site and what a nice one! I would just like to make my 5 choices just to have fun with this. They are Dale, Dell, Drew, Scott, and of course, Derek Jr. Hope to see ya soon! Love to all! (can you please deliver him on a weekend (begging,begging). NO, scratch that! You will be much better food in the hospital if you have him there during the week! Ahhhhh..memories of the dessert cart! Ok..where is my candy bar?! BYE! Auntie Tina

Hilary said...

Okay, I was thinking exactly what Lisa was thinking..."d" or "P"

I can't even begin to think of choices. It's either going to be very practical (and Scottish), like Patrick or something really cool that I can't even think of. Maybe Derek Jr.????? btw, I love the Scottie prints